From Shopware themes to hosting: Knorke is your Full Service Shopware developer and agency

You want to use Shopware 6 as an e-commerce system for your online store? Then Knorke is the right choice for you. We can set up your new store in Shopware, design it, take care of the content and web development, and, as an experienced marketing agency, also handle SEO, SEA, social media marketing, and more.

Knorke knows the challenges of online commerce. We are experts in building, maintaining, and improving the system and infrastructure for a successful online store. We are flexible and agile in meeting your requirements and goals so you can celebrate success with your Shopware webshop.

Knorke Agency Services for Shopware

Whether you need a development from A to Z or just support for an existing Shopware online store: We will make you the right offer for your Shopware strategy.

Shopware Design & Development

Turnkey Onlineshop

  • Concept
  • Corporate Design
  • Shopware Plugins
  • Shopware Themes Development
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Payment Solutions
  • Performance Optimization
  • QA, Launch, and Shopware Hosting
  • Git Version Management
  • and much more
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Shopware Maintenance & Support

Monthly Support

  • Continuous Monthly Support
  • Enhancement of the store
  • Important Shopware Updates
  • Security Patches
  • Shopware Hosting
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Upgrades with Extensions
  • Certificate Renewal
  • and much more
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Shopware Online Marketing

SEO, SEA, and Other Services

  • Online Store Analysis
  • Onpage Optimization
  • Strategy Development
  • Text and Editing
  • Conversion Optimization
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Integration with Marketplaces
  • and much more.
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Shopware, Knorke, and You

Love at First Click

Knorke has already made a name for itself as an e-commerce all-rounder in Berlin. Among other things, we have been working with the German online store system Shopware for a long time and love it. We want to pass this enthusiasm on to you. So take advantage of our core competencies and let us make your Shopware online business flourish. As an agile team, we respond to your situation individually and always act fairly, transparently, and proactively. Scalability is not only crucial for a webshop but also for your entire company. In Knorke, you have found the right partner with experience, knowledge, and a decisive drive to collaborate with you.

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Our Favorite Store: Shopware

A Brief Introduction to Shopware 6

Shopware 6 is a German online store system that is available both as open source and in commercial versions. It is popular mainly because of its intuitive operation, flexible customizability, and high interface compatibility. Shopware also immediately turned our heads. With over 3,500 plugins for various functionalities, interfaces to over 50 payment service providers, and a special focus on integrating existing company structures such as ERP, Shopware 6 is the professional, scalable, and uncomplicated system for successful e-commerce.

Shopware as a Store System: Perfectly Scalable

Doing business is not always straightforward. That’s why Shopware offers 3 different commercial license packages in addition to the freely available open-source version. In combination with our Shopware developer services, this puts you in a strong position to react quickly and efficiently to current developments in any situation. Tailor your store to your needs, not the other way around. This works ideally with a Shopware strategy, which we as a full-service agency are happy to create for you or with you.

Some Advantages of Shopware 6

The browser-based Shopware backend is easy and intuitive to use. We will train you up in no time to be self-sufficient with Shopware 6 and you can, for example, update or edit content. For everything else, you can always call on Knorke’s support and we will take care of the setup and operation of the system. We can also set up landing pages and even entire Shopware template environments quickly and easily. Benefit from our SEO consulting for the accompanying content strategy.

What Distinguishes Our Shopware Developer Agency’s Service

At Knorke you will find the right partner for your Shopware project because we are not only young, creative, and flexible, but also experienced, competent, and reliable. Whether you just want to set up your store or you are looking for technical support for your existing webshop, whether you want us to create content for you or if you need the right marketing specialists for your existing content: We cater precisely to your needs, but we also give you honest and direct feedback based on our experience, which turns into your advantage.

How to Get Into the Shopware Business

Once you’ve made up your mind to learn more about us, just get in touch. We are personally available as an agency in Berlin Lichtenberg, on weekdays also by phone, or anytime by mail for your inquiries. Once we have clarified your initial questions and you have decided on Knorke as a partner for your Shopware project, we will send you a comprehensive questionnaire, which we can also fill out together with you. Based on this questionnaire, we will create a hard-to-resist Shopware offer tailored to your needs. After your approval, we can start right away.

Knorke Shopware 6 Services

We are the proverbial Swiss army knife when it comes to your Shopware project. Setup and administration, import and migration, layout and templates, Shopware store plugin development and integration, interface management, Shopware update service, Shopware premium support… We’ve got you covered! But an online store can function as flawlessly and be as user-friendly and sexy as it wants, if nobody finds it, it’s of no use at all. That’s why we are not only passionate about technology and design, but also about your Shopware SEO, your Google Shopping account, maintaining data feeds, and taking care of sales promotion and usability with streamlined marketing like newsletter marketing and social media.

Shopware Marketing, SEO, and Performance

Your store has to stand out, not just function. For years Knorke has been taking care of the right marketing mix for customers and e-commerce and, as a result, always finds the ideal strategy. SEO and performance optimization are the foundation. Fast surfing, clear design and information, a powerful server, and crisp loading times make online shopping attractive and increase the conversion rate. With the right SEO, your site will land at the top of the search results of popular search engines and receive exponentially more traffic. More visitors – and especially satisfied visitors to your store – equals more sales. So decide sooner rather than later for the necessary, efficient, and lucrative Shopware Marketing from Knorke.

Our Shopware Themes Design Concepts

Shopware offers ready-made, commercial themes, which you can either use directly or customize to your liking. But with Knorke as your Shopware agency, you can develop and design your very own theme, in addition to setting up or customizing a purchased theme. Of course, all our Shopware themes are mobile-first, user-friendly, functional, and stunningly good looking.

Customized Shopware Plugins by Competent Programmers

Although there are already thousands of Shopware plugins, experience shows that there is always a point where you need to respond individually to special requirements. Knorke can do a demand analysis for your Shopware project, prepare the requirements for the programmers, and guide and supervise the creation of your custom Shopware store plugin. Quality management and cost control are, of course, included in such a scenario.

Shopware API: Interfaces and Data Migration

Maybe you already have a local store or use another system like Magento for your online store. If you want to create an online store with Shopware or move your existing store to Shopware, the topic of data migration and Shopware API becomes important. For example, can your cash register or merchandise management system be integrated? Can data be transferred directly? We examine your requirements in detail and guide you through the necessary procedures.

Shopware Backend and Merchandise Management Systems

You can create invoices and delivery slips directly with Shopware. Beyond that, however, many business processes are not mapped in Shopware, such as financial accounting and purchasing. If you are already using software in these areas, you need to check whether an interface to Shopware exists or needs to be created first. If you have not yet decided on a particular software, it is a good idea to find out in advance which merchandise management systems Shopware provides an interface to and then commit to it.

Shopware Agency: Costs and Benefits

We understand: Entrepreneurs need to plan their investments in minute detail. After we have analyzed your project, we prepare an offer tailored to your requirements and needs. You will then also receive a cost estimate. Whether you need short-term support or long-term cooperation as part of a support contract: Contact us, and we will provide you with the necessary figures for your planning.

With a Shopware System From Knorke to E-commerce Success

As we said: If you have been looking for an agency for your Shopware project, you have now reached the finish line. Just send us your request by email, call us, or visit us, and we’ll find out how our Berlin media agency can actively support you in your plans. Project management, programming, design, marketing, consulting, and more is our daily bread, and we are already looking forward to celebrating Shopware successes with you!

Why We Love Being a Shopware 6 Agency

Shopware is all the rage, and we at Knorke are totally on board with it. That’s because Shopware is a win-win for both our customers and us. While we, as a Magento agency, also know what advantages the competition has, we still think Shopware 6 is usually the right choice, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. Shopware is available for free, and we can easily customize it with design, extensions, and custom developments to meet our customers’ needs. The operation is very user-friendly. This is also to the store owners’ advantage because they can implement many things themselves or have them implemented at a low cost. Connections to shipping and payment service providers are easy to implement.

In addition, this online store system from Germany is particularly legally compliant and free of many bugs, with which the competition struggles. If you have just started setting up your online store, let us consult you without commitment. We have a lot of experience with projects of all sizes and can usually tell you immediately which approach is possible, goal-oriented, and smart, and whether Shopware 6 is the right choice for you. No matter if it is a new or an existing store, you can also get support from Knorke as a web design agency or in the area of marketing as an SEO and SEA agency. We offer scalable full-service and are your digital agency from Berlin.