Corporate design and website for Donkey Dreamland in Spain
Donkeys are damn empathetic and sweet. That‘s a fact. Unfortunately, it is also a fact that they are not always treated so empathetically and nicely. When we met Amaya in summer 2018, she was volunteering at the Donkey Sanctuary in Spain. The team there gives abused, old or wrongly kept donkeys a new home. There they can rest and be treated with the care they deserve. Amaya shared with us her dream of establishing her own donkey farm in Spain, in an area where so many donkeys still live under unworthy conditions. We were immediately enthusiastic about this project and promissed our help. On a volunteer basis, of course, as Felix is to a quarter donkey himself.

Now it means to organise the piece of land and the financing for such a project in Spain… that is not easy at all, that‘s for sure. Just as we nearly gave up hope, Amaya finally succeeded at the beginning of 2020: The Donkey Dreamland had become reality. Our great joy was slightly reduced and delayed by Corona, and in 2021 we were finally able to get started with our work. Corporate design, website, some bells and whistles…
This is not what we want to mention, because this is about the donkeys. Thanks to Amaya they can finally just be donkeys again here in Donkey Dreamland. We would be delighted if you would visit the website or even adopted a donkey or donate some amount of money you can affort. You know: A full karma account is more important than a full bank account.